How to Remove Liquid Screen Protector

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Carl Paige

Liquid screen protectors are made with a combination of silicon dioxide and water or alcohol. Just like any other screen protector, the liquid glass screen protector works to prevent breakage or scratches on the screen. The liquid screen protector is pretty durable and has so many benefits, but removing it is not that simple. In this guide, we will tell you how to remove a liquid screen protector without damaging your screen. But, before we jump into how to remove liquid nano screen protectors, let’s talk about their properties.

How to Remove Liquid Screen Protector

Removing Liquid Screen Protectors From Phone

Removing the liquid glass screen takes a little more effort. We discovered a few methods for you to learn how to remove the glued screen protector of your screen. Carlcare Service Center is ready to help you remove the liquid screen protector from your phone. Carlcare provides professional repair and maintenance services for other brands covering mobile phones, computers, tablets, appliances, lighting devices, smart living, new energy, and supply chains.

Let's see how the liquid screen protector is removed.

Method 1: Removing a liquid screen protector without tempered glass

Step 1: Place your phone under the sun for an hour. This will weaken the bond between the liquid and the glass.

Step 2: Use a designated polish and also use a brush to remove the liquid particles from your screen. The polish is available at any smartphone repair shop near you. Use a clean cloth to remove the extra debris on the sides.

Method 2: Removing a Liquid Screen protector with tempered glass

Step 1: Liquid screen protectors also come with tempered glass, which applies just like any tempered glass to the screen.

Step 2: Removing it is pretty easy you can just peel the glass off like tempered glass and the liquid screen protector will peel off with it.

Also, if your glass screen protector is cracked, the same method 1 will help you remove it. Just let it melt and wipe the liquid off using a microfiber cloth.

Get Free Broken Screen Replacement

If you are using any Tecno, Infinix, or Itel device, you can get some of the services from Carlcare. These services will save you a lot of money. If you have been using tempered glass and you end up breaking the original screen, Carlcare can help you fix it. You can also purchase your screen replacement insurance from the website. You can also find the nearest service center to get the original spare parts for your screen.

Most Frequent-Asked Questions About Screen Protectors

1. What is a nano-liquid screen protector?

Nano-liquid screen protectors use nanotechnology to create ultra-strong surfaces. To use the nano liquid protector, you just have to apply the liquid to the screen to protect the device. It is pretty easy to use and the only thing you have to know is how to remove the liquid screen protector from your device. You can use it with a glass screen protector or even apply the liquid directly to the phone’s screen. Once the liquid protector is applied, you can’t see it with your naked eyes, but you can see it through a microscopic lens. Creating a 500-nanometer layer on the top, the liquid screen protector safeguards your phone’s screen from damage. 

2. How do liquid screen protectors work?

Nanotechnology is the primary thing that helps make these screen protectors better than any other tempered glass. If you have already been using a liquid protector for a long time, you will have to replace it with a new one. You just have to know how to remove a liquid screen protector from your smartphone. The liquid protectors don’t reduce the visibility and the touch ability of your screen. This creates the thinnest layer on your screen, which also protects and doesn’t harm the functionality of your screen.

Designed with 9H hardness, this protector provides impact protection for your device’s screen. The upper layer is anti-bacterial and is also made of eco-friendly material. It is simple to apply and does not cause bubbles like glass protectors. Let’s learn about liquid screen protectors and how to remove methods in the section below.

3. How to remove scratches from a liquid screen protector?

The liquid screen protector doesn’t remove any scratches that are already there on the original screen. However, it protects your original screen from damage after you apply the liquid to the screen. Moreover, the liquid screen protector helps add impact protection to your device. It helps to prevent scratches in some ways, but it does not repair previous scratches on your device's screen. You just have to know how to remove the liquid screen protector without any hassle.

4. What is the difference between tempered and liquid glass screen protectors?

Now that you know how to remove a cracked liquid glass screen protector, let's compare tempered glass and liquid glass screen protectors.

Unlike tempered glass, the liquid screen protector doesn’t cause any responsiveness issues. Also, you get easy readability even under the sun with a liquid glass screen protector. Tempered glass is prone to breaking on the sides and is easily scratched. But, a liquid glass protector, won’t cause any scratches so easily. Moreover, tempered glasses don’t fit smartphones with curved screens. Liquid screen protectors easily adapt to the shape of any shape of the screen, protecting all sides. The only drawback is removing your liquid screen protector. And, the methods mentioned above can help you learn how to remove invisible first-defense liquid glass screen protectors from your phone.

Final thoughts

Liquid screen protectors are made with sodium dioxide and they add an oleophobic coating to the screen that protects it. Although the new smartphones on the market come with an oleophobic coating, it starts to wear off with time.

Applying a liquid screen protector is easy and you should know how to remove the gadget guard liquid screen protector from your screen. We hope this guide assisted you in understanding the work and removing the liquid screen protector.